Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Working on The Guest List

I have been furiously working on the guest list. Bob has family coming from Arizona that are going to have a family reunion then. I had asked the Root Cellar if they rented their hall space because it is larger than the space at the church, but they don't rent it to private parties. So I think we will be able to have the dinner downstairs at the church and then the dancing part at the Reactor next door, where they have the Youth Group meetings. There really doesn't seem to be enough space in either room for both activities. I will need to check with Pastor Don about this as he is in Nicaragua on a mission trip right now, but he did say he would marry us, so at least we have the Preacher! I'm thinking that after the ceremony, the wedding party will go across the street to have pictures taken in front of the river. Hope we have good weather.

Bob's daughter, Lyzz, bought me a wedding planner book and it has a webpage that goes with it. I am working on setting that up and will give out the address when it's ready. It has lots of neat things on it, like our registry, places of interest for travelers, info about us, a guestbook, plus it has lots of checklists to help me keep track of things and I am able to enter my guestlist into it and it keeps track of the rsvps. It's pretty cool. I may transfer this blog over to there if there is something similar there, but I will keep a link here to get to it.

Lyzz is acting as our Wedding Planner. She loves the details and seems to having a lot of fun with it. My daughter, Jess, has some creative ideas too, but she's not as good with the details. It's going to be a real collaborative effort and everyone has different gifts. Jess wants to sing a song at the wedding. She has one in mind, but I'm not sure if I like that one or not. I have a good idea on the dresses now. I think I'm going to go with burgundy bridesmaids dresses instead of the blue. And we have decided on a Victorian/Western/4th of July theme. What a combo, huh? But it will be fun.


  1. Everything sounds so exciting! I cant wait... Now whats this about the reunion? Who all is coming? I'm glad you guys settled on the Victorian/Western/4th of July theme...I was a little worried when you were considering adding starwars and butterflies to that list! ;-) I think it will be lovely! And how wonderful that you have two such creative girls to help you plan!


  2. We actually have THREE creative girls! I wish you weren't so far away but feel free to give us your ideas.
