Friday, January 2, 2009

Where Will We Live?

The first question that everyone seems to be asking me is, "Where are you going to live"? That is because I currently live with my Mom and my daughter in Portland and Bob lives with his youngest daughter and several pets in Acton, Maine, which is an hour away. We have been praying about this for a long time and decided that we wouldn't wait until we had everything figured out before we got married. We felt the important thing was to be together and take things as they come. If we don't find something midway before July, I will move to Acton and commute to work.

I am a bookkeeper for Seacoast Scaffold in South Portland. I have been there for 15 years and I am sure that I would never find a job like this one. My bosses and the people I work with are wonderful and the pay is good too. This is one thing that I really don't want to compromise on. Everything else is negotiable. I will need to come to Portland anyway to check on my Mom and my great Aunt Hattie, who is 93 and lives with friends right near my office. And Jess is not 100% independent yet either. Plus I am quite involved at my church, Stroudwater Baptist Church and hate to leave. If I live in Acton, I may not be able to go as often though, especially in bad weather and I will need to go with Bob wherever God wants him to be. He's thinking of becoming a Pastor and I need to listen to what plans God has for us.

Bob is a printer and works for a publisher, Odyssey Press, in Rochester, NH. He operates an HP Digital Press and has been there for 8 years. He is specially trained on this press and there are only a few in Maine, which means finding a comparable job is difficult, especially in this economy. He likes where he works, but if the opportunity of a job closer to Portland arose, he would consider it. He is a Trustee at has church, Liberty Chapel, in Milton Mills, NH. His house is literally on the border of NH and he can walk there. The Acton/Milton Mills area is really beautiful. There is a river with a waterfall right behind the house. I really do love the town, and the people are very friendly there too.

Bob grew up in Tuscon, Arizona and I can't wait to visit there some day. I have lived in Maine, within a 30 minute radius of Portland, all my life, well at least so far. So it will be a new thing for me to have to venture out a bit more. I was hoping Bob could move here, but that would make an hour and a half commute for him, which is even more than it would be for me. So, in the meantime, we will make the best of things. As long as we can be together, it will be great.

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