Sunday, December 28, 2008

Getting The Word Out

Last night Bob and I, and Bob's daughter, Zealia, went to the Saturday nite church service at New Life in Biddeford. That's like the midpoint between our houses and we joke that we have our dates there. We got to see some of our friends that we had met a few months ago and were pleasantly surprised to find that one of the couples had gotten married last month. During the service, the Pastor asked people in the congregation to stand up and tell what God had blessed them with over this last year. He was surprised to find that there were about 7 couples that had gotten engaged. The guitarplayer, Nick, joked that they should change their name from New Life to New Wife Fellowship! We had a good time and then went out to dinner afterward.

Today we went to Stroudwater Baptist, which is my church, and announced our engagement at the service. Afterward, everyone asked to see my ring and wanted to know about all our plans, most of which we are not sure of yet. We would like to set the date as the 4th of July, but Pastor Don was on vacation today and I need to check his schedule. There weren't many people in church today so there are still a lot of people that haven't heard the news yet. I have put out a bulletin and a note on my MySpace. My page is and Bob's page is . Check them out! Next Sunday we will be making the announcement at Bob's church, Liberty Chapel in Milton Mills, NH. He also will be doing the sermon that week. I love to hear him preach. He's awesome!

We were thinking about making up a "save the date" postcard that lists the address for this blog and sending it to people we don't see very often. Since Bob is a printer, he can help print them. We need to figure out what we want for a picture on it. He can also print our invitations and bulletins for the service, but we need to start designing them as well. This is so much fun! Let me know if you have any ideas.

Tomorrow I get to tell everyone at work and the girls at Amatos who make my lunch, which is usually a salad now because I've got a lot to lose before July. I know they will be very excited. Girls always want to see my ring. Guys don't really care about the ring, but they are happy for me. Bob said the people at his office were really excited when he told them too. He says I glow! Yes, I probably do. I am very happy.

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